From Trauma to Triumph: Executive Summary Workshop Presentation at the Domestic Violence Conference

Watch as Rachel McKenzie presents "From Trauma to Triumph: Executive Summary Workshop" at the County of Santa Clara's 30th Annual Domestic Violence Conference, on behalf of WomenSV.

Created by Ruth Darlene, founder and Executive Director of WomenSV, the Executive Summary Workshop is a powerful tool to assist domestic violence survivors in navigating the challenging journey of summarizing their experiences in a clear and concise manner, enabling effective communication with others.

For survivors, putting traumatic experiences into words can be a daunting task, yet it is a crucial step in seeking support. Recognizing this challenge, WomenSV developed a systematic approach to assist survivors in this process.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rachel McKenzie for leading this presentation, sharing valuable insights and offering unwavering support to domestic violence survivors. Together, we strive to empower survivors on their journey from trauma to triumph.

Join us in this important conversation, and together, let's make a difference in the lives of those who have endured and overcome domestic violence.

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WomenSV: Serving survivors of covert domestic violence


K-LOVE Interview with Ruth Darlene of WomenSV about Covert Abuse and Coercive Control