Donate to WomenSV!

Donations make it possible for us to provide our services for survivors and providers. WomenSV is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 81-5015102). Checks can be made out to WomenSV and mailed to P.O. Box 3982, Los Altos, CA 94024 or donate via a donor-advised fund or our online form below.

We now use Zeffy to process donations, so we can accept credit / debit cards, direct debit / ACH, Google Pay and Apple Pay without additional processing fees! 🎉

At the end of the form under “Confirm your donation”, you will notice an optional added donation to Zeffy to support their free nonprofit program. If you would not like to add an optional donation, select “other” on the dropdown menu and make the additional contribution amount 0.

You can select a one-time or monthly donation and enter a custom donation amount by typing in the box under “Your donation”.

donation instruction

Why donate to WomenSV?

We never charge survivors for our services, so we rely on donations to keep our program going. Demand for our services has increased exponentially. Domestic violence survivors are coming to us from all over the country—from different cultural, economic, religious, and professional backgrounds. With your support, we can continue to keep up with rising demand and increased call volume while taking precautions to keep our communications secure. Your donations help us assist survivors and educate providers to better support them. Thank you for your support!